Monday, August 11, 2014

Joy Unspeakable

Yesterday I arrived back in Toronto, coming from the place I had called home for ten days - M'Chigeeng. During the ride back, I sat in the car thinking about all the happy moments, reliving all the memories that were fresh in my mind, and I smiled. I smiled because I remembered the joy, the joy that I got to share with the people that I met in the community during the week. 

I pulled out my journal, and these two words came to mind 'joy unspeakable'. I knew those words from a song: Thrive by Casting Crowns which says "Joy unspeakable, faith unsinkable, love unstoppable, anything is possible".

I knew that this song represented how I had felt up at M'Chigeeng. My joy had been unspeakable, my faith had been unsinkable, my love unstoppable, and I was reminded that anything is possible! The kind of joy experienced in the love of Jesus is unexplainable, the faith that God has taught me can never be weakened, and the love of Jesus will never end. God reminded me once again that anything is possible.

These ten days of my summer are always the best - I always say Day Star is the best part of my summer, and it really is! What made this year so great was a couple of things:
1. Jesus - he helped me to love more, and he made everything so amazing
2. Seeing the smiling faces of the children every day - I know I am making a difference by being a good role model and a good leader
3. For the chance to share with people the difference Jesus has made in my life - that he has surely given me a hope and a future
4. To be able to share with people how much Jesus loves them, and that nothing they do will stop him from loving them
5. I got to talk of my struggles, that I'm not perfect but God loves me enough to give me every chance in the world

It's hard to explain the joy that Jesus brings into my life, but I know I can share that joy with the people on M'Chigeeng, and that brings me joy. I rejoice in the the joy of others, knowing that God has given me the opportunity to make a difference in the lives of kids through Day Star Day Camp. I know that God doesn't want me to stop loving the beautiful people of M'Chigeeng and there's no way I can stop loving them now. A little piece of my heart is left in M'Chigeeng, and until I can return I will pray for everyone there. I ask Jesus to teach me to love through prayer when I cannot possibly be there to love in person. The love of God is so far and so wide, and I know my prayers will be heard by God. God doesn't forget to love anyone, but sometimes people do need to be told how much he really does love them - and telling people that brings me joy!

God bless! :)

song reference: Thrive - Casting Crowns